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Warning Signs You Have a Nutritional Deficiency

Warning Signs You Have a Nutritional Deficiency

Your body needs a steady supply of nutrients and vitamins to operate at a high level. But let’s face it: It’s not easy to keep up with your body’s demands, and you’re not alone in the struggle. Studies have shown that 45% of US adults are deficient in Vitamin A, 46% are deficient in Vitamin C, and a whopping 95% don’t have enough vitamin D. 

The good news is that your body has ways of letting you know when you have a nutrient deficiency — and our physicians at Prime Choice Family Clinic & Urgent Care team in Frisco, Texas, are experts at spotting the earliest warning signs. 

Here are a few things we look for so you can play an active role in your health and wellness. 

You’re running low on energy

Feeling tired after a long day of intense exercise is normal, but constant fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest could indicate iron deficiency (anemia), especially in women. Iron is essential for producing hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to tissues. 

Without sufficient iron, your body struggles to deliver oxygen, resulting in fatigue and weakness. If you rely on multiple cups of coffee before noon yet still feel drained, you might lack B vitamins, particularly B12, which are crucial for energy and stamina.

You have skin, hair, and nail issues

If you notice excessive hair loss or brittle nails, your body might be signaling a lack of zinc, vitamin D, or biotin (vitamin B7). Though biotin deficiencies are uncommon, a diet low in protein could be to blame. 

Dry, flaky skin or unexpected rashes may indicate a deficiency in essential fatty acids, vitamins D and B3 (niacin), or zinc. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain the skin’s barrier function, while vitamins D and B3 are important for skin health and repair.

You have oral health problems

Frequent mouth ulcers or easily bleeding gums when brushing or flossing can signal nutritional deficiencies, particularly in vitamin C and B vitamins like folate and B12. Vitamin C is crucial for gum health and immune function, aiding in the prevention of infections and healing of mouth sores. 

Similarly, adequate B vitamins are necessary for maintaining healthy mucous membranes in the mouth.

You’re experiencing mood changes

Feeling anxious, depressed, or irritable may be linked to nutritional deficiencies rather than just life stressors. Vitamins D, B6, and B12, along with omega-3 fatty acids, play vital roles in mood and cognitive function. These nutrients are essential for producing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which help regulate mood.

You can’t see as well as you used to

Poor night vision can be a classic sign of vitamin A deficiency. You might also notice Bitot’s spots, which are small, raised, white patches on the surface of your eye. Vitamin A is crucial for maintaining a clear cornea and protecting your eyes from free radicals with its antioxidant properties.

What to do if you have a nutrient deficiency

If you identify with any of the symptoms of nutrient deficiency we outlined above, don’t panic. There are many ways you can improve your health, especially if you partner with us. 

First, we thoroughly review your health status and current symptoms. Then, we create a treatment plan to help you gradually replenish your body and restore your health. 

Many of our patients with nutrient deficiency benefit from IV hydration and vitamin infusion therapy. In this outpatient procedure, we intravenously inject nutrient-rich fluids into your bloodstream. 

We also counsel you on healthy habits that help you naturally restore your body’s systems. This can include eating a balanced diet, taking supplements, exercising more regularly, managing stress, increasing hydration, and improving sleep habits. 

Living with a nutrient deficiency can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your health journey. If you’d like to talk with an expert about your wellness needs, call 214-550-0911 or book an appointment online at Prime Choice Family Clinic & Urgent Care to get the help you need today.

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