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Which Type of Contraception Is Right for Me?

Which Type of Contraception Is Right for Me?

Birth control has come a long way since it first hit the market in the early 19th century. Back then, there were only a handful of options for family planning, and they weren’t always reliable or effective. 

Fortunately, birth control never has to be one-size-fits-all ever again. You have multiple options, many of which guarantee nearly 100% protection. 

However, with more options comes decision paralysis — and that’s where our Prime Choice Family Clinic & Urgent Care team in Frisco, Texas, comes in. 

Here’s an essential checklist to help you choose the type of contraceptive that works best for you. 

For those who want maximum pregnancy prevention

If starting a family is the last thing on your mind, you want a birth control method that offers the most protection possible, namely long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs).

LARCs, such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) and hormonal implants, and short-acting hormonal methods, such as pills, mini pills, patches, shots, and vaginal rings, almost guarantee you won’t get pregnant, even with typical use. 

Both short- and long-acting birth control methods work by either preventing your ovaries from releasing an egg, disrupting or preventing implantation, or stopping sperm from reaching an egg. 

Our patients love these methods because they’re also easy to stop if you decide to start a family. Your regular menstrual and ovulation cycles resume shortly after you quit using your birth control, allowing you to get pregnant easily. 

The ultimate pregnancy protection

Some want to end all chances of pregnancy for good. In that case, you undergo sterilization via tubal ligation or salpingectomy — the complete removal of the fallopian tubes. Your partner may volunteer and have a vasectomy, which cuts off sperm supply to their semen. 

For those who don’t want to think about birth control

You’ve already had enough on your plate. Why add birth control to your busy schedule? If you’re in the market for a set-it-and-forget-it approach that doesn’t require a daily pill or trips to the drug store, consider birth control shots, IUDs, or implants. 

Copper IUDs like Paragard® and hormone IUDs like Mirena® and Skyla® offer pregnancy protection for up to 10, five, and three years, respectively. Once we implant the device, you don’t need to do anything to maintain it. 

For those who also want STD protection

The only birth control methods that offer STD protection are barrier methods like condoms and, of course, abstinence. The good news is that you can use condoms with any other birth control you’re taking, which increases your protection against pregnancy and infectious diseases. 

For those who want to go au naturale

The all-natural birth control route isn’t for everyone, but it is a viable option for everyone. 

Some ways you can protect yourself against pregnancy sans hormones include using spermicide and diligently tracking your fertile windows (also known as the rhythm method). 

These methods require much more effort, but they’re the most natural approaches and the easiest to stop and start, especially if you’re looking forward to having a family in the future. 

Making your decision

It’s not always easy to decide which birth control is right for you, and that’s why we recommend talking with one of our experts. During your contraception consultation, we ask detailed questions about your lifestyle and preferences to help you hone in on what matters most. These questions include:

We consider your answers carefully before counseling you on which type of birth control will work best for you. 

If you’re ready to start family planning but don’t know where to start, call 214-550-0911 or book an appointment online at Prime Choice Family Clinic & Urgent Care to get the help you need today. 


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